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Money lenders go for promoter Karma’s head


Money lenders go for promoter Karma’s head

troubled Fameica after flopped concert

troubled Fameica after flopped concert

As if the losses Karma Ivan and Fik Fameica made when Fik’s My Journey concert flopped are not enough.

The crew are still experiencing a series of unfriendly events. Rafiki has learnt that the money lenders John Kabanda and Robert Kampala who lend the duo money to organise the concert are now over Ivan’s neck.

They want their money back. The two lent Fameica’s manager Ivan UGX 50m and UGX 30m respectively towards organising the artiste’s shows in different parts of the country.  They have now confiscated Ivan’s car.

When Rafiki talked to Karma, he said that he was willing to pay as soon as he gets the money. He said he is still in shock that Fameica could not attract big crowds at Kyadondo and other venues.




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