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Ministry of health

Apaa ambulance driver uses it for ferrying bricks; So, what?


Apaa ambulance driver uses it for ferrying bricks; So, what?

It should not have surprised anybody that the ambulance driver of Apaa should have been caught using the ambulance to carry bricks at a hired fee for someone else. He was merely imitating his bosses within the whole Civil Service.

All these people have turned these Government vehicles for their own personal use. In most cases you see the vehicles carrying sacks of charcoal, bunches of matooke, firewood, and the like. Nobody has been caught, tried and imprisoned for this unpatriotic attitude. All it means is that all of the bosses are imitating their above superiors, who are abusing the use of state vehicles to the hilt.

It is only the Apaa ambulance driver who has had the misfortune to be caught, tried and convicted.

There have been many suggestions to the NRM regime about the use of the Government vehicle, but all of these have fallen on deaf ears. It should be noted that these vehicles are at the behest of the taxpayers and citizens of this country. But who even listens to the interests of Ugandans?

For all intents and purposes, all these fellows, who call themselves whatever high-sounding public titles, should be sentenced, like the ambulance driver, because all of them abuse the use of the Government vehicles.

Gervase Owiny-Kibul Gulu



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