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How teacher dealt with leaner’s advances

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How teacher dealt with leaner’s advances

Esther Makhame

Esther Makhame, a primary school teacher in Bugishu region

“There was a day when a Primary Four pupil brought a piece of paper bearing his phone contact number and placed it on my table. I ignored it.

The same boy brought the number again in his book for marking. I felt annoyed and angry so I talked to him about it but he denied everything. I knew all his moves but I decided to ignore and avoid this young pupil”

These were some of the words of Esther Juliet Makhame, a teacher at Kenna Mary Nursery – Primary School in Bujoloto trading centre, Mbale town, during our conversation recently.

In reality, when you find Makhame along your path you may think she is a primary school going child because of her small size, only to learn later that she’s actually a teacher.

Born in a family of five (one brother and four sisters), Teacher Esther, as she is fondly referred to, is the 22-year old daughter of David Kimanyi and Miriam Waboya of Bunandutu village, Buweswa parish, Weswa Sub County, Manafwa district.

She went to St Baanabakintu Primary School in Wakiso District from 2003 to 2009 for her Primary, school joined Buweswa Secondary School in Manafwa District for one year and completed her Ordinary and Advanced secondary level at Manafwa High School in Mbale between 2011 and 2016. She then joined Nyondo Primary Teachers College in 2017 and she is currently waiting for the final results.

“I like the profession though it was not my dream

Makhame says that from her childhood she has admired successful businesswomen in Uganda, but she is proud and happy to be a teacher.

“My dream was to become a successful business lady but I just found myself becoming a teacher.

After my Senior Six exams I went to Kenya where I worked as a maid. When UACE results came back, I was informed that I had failed. I feared to comeback home thinking my father would punish me but he called me back and took me to the college using my Senior Four results,” Makhame says. “Now I regret nothing because I enjoy the profession. “My father is also a teacher, at Bright Parents Junior Primary School.”

Challenges and dreams

Makhame says that apart from some pupils treating her as if they were of the same age, some parents also despise her because of her dimunitive size.
In the next ten years, Makhame says that she sees herself as a mother, a lecturer in one of the universities in Uganda and a role model to young children.

When I ask her whether she is married she says: “I already have somebody in waiting although I am not sure about it. I don’t want to stay with somebody for a long time. I even don’t believe in love because somebody can deceive you and at the end of the day you find yourselves falling apart. I don’t like marriage very much.”

Her best artiste: Sheebah Kalungi. “I watched her live. It felt like I had achieved everything in life. I was very happy. I shall never forget that moment.”

Worst moment: Failing Senior Six Favorite dish: Rice and meat

Your best movie: Pyar impossible and Indian movies.
Advise to other girls: Believe in yourself. Never accept to stopped from chasing your dream. I want to be a lecturer and am sure I shall.

What other people say about her
Christine fellow teacher: Teacher Esther is a good person. She relates very well with others. I have seen yet any harm in her
Magumba Siraji friend: She is my best friend. She associates with others. I have never found any problem with her. What she dislikes most is to be despised by anybody.



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