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Ministry of health

KCCA, boda boda fiasco: the in-house confusion

Ikebesi Omoding

KCCA, boda boda fiasco: the in-house confusion

The recent announcement by Kampala Capital City  Authority (KCCA) Executive Director, Jennifer Musisi, to regulate the activities of the boda boda industry has many interesting aspects to it. That it is Musisi who is given to tackle the shroud of boda boda, is one; and that it is the boda boda that is the object of an apparent deviation, is instructive.

Undoubtedly, the boda boda trade has grown into an unruly phenomenon. The boda boda riders are a traffic (non-traffic) law unto themselves. The Traffic Police, under whose ambit as motorized vehicles operators they fall under, are powerless: they just watch the riders violate every traffic rule in the book, without raising a finger, or even blowing their regulatory whistle.



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Ikebesi Omoding is the acclaimed author of a weekly column titled: From the Outside Looking In

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